Privacy – GDPR
National Green Specification Ltd. (Data Controller) is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy.
This GDPR notice provides information about personal data (information) that we may hold about you, how it is used and how you can limit, control or decline its use.
Who we are:
- Brian Murphy trading as Architectural Specification Writing Services (ASWS)
- Brian Murphy trading as National Green Specification (NGS)
- Nat. Green Specification Ltd. trading as National Green Specification Ltd. (NGSL)
- Green Building Encyclopaedia (GBE) Website and Service Provider
- Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan in Social Media Twitter: @BrianSpecMan @GBEGreenBuilding @GBELearning; Facebook and LinkedIN
- GBE Learning (GBL) Green Building Learning Platform
- Green Building Calculator (GBC or GBE GBC) Website and Whole Building Calculator
We collect and use personal information about you and your organisation in connection with our business activities as:
- Specification Consultancy
- Environmental Consultancy
- University Lecturer
- CPD Provider
- Event Speaker
- Green Building Encyclopaedia (multi award winning) Information Dissemination Website
- Green Building Learning Platform: speaker, facilitator and tour guide
- Green Building Calculator (multi award winning) Whole Building Calculator and website
We are now regulated under the General Data Protective Regulation (GDPR) which applies across the European Union including in the United Kingdom, for which purpose we are known as the Data Controller.
By submitting your information to Brian Murphy, BrianSpecMan, ASWS, & NGSL, GBE, GBL, GBC by business card, email, use of the GBE. GBL or GBC websites or otherwise, you consent to the use of that information as set out in this policy.
Data and Information Collection
How long have we been collecting information?
- Brian Murphy trading as Architectural Specification Writing Services ASWS since 1982
- Brian Murphy trading as National Green Specification NGS since 2001
- Previously regulated under the Data Protection Act since 2001
- For NGS’s GreenSpec website (BrianSpecMan is no longer a part of GreenSpec)
- For NGS Ltd.’s Green Building Encyclopaedia website since 2014
- For NGS Ltd.’s GBE Learning website since 2020
- For NGS Ltd.’s GBC Calculator website since 2020
- Social media accounts contact lists
- twitter @BrianSpecMan since 2009
- twitter @GBEGreenBuild since 2015
- twitter @GBELearning since 2020
- facebook /BrianSpecMan since 2009
What information do we collect about you?
- We strive to collect only the minimum personal data that we need to deliver our services to you and to others.
- But our service demands extraction of non-personal information from your public domain sources
- The information we collect may differ depending on how we collect it.
- Some non-personal information is collected and protected under Non Disclosure Agreements (NDA)
It has been extracted from:
- Business card (exchanged on the basis of both parties wanting to be kept in touch with future developments)
- Scanned both sides and hand written notes using CC Camcard software and added via Apple Cloud to Apple Contacts on mobile, tablet and laptop
- Emails (you wanting to keep us informed of your current and future developments)
- Newsletters or eNewsletters (you wanting to keep us informed of your current and future developments)
- Correspondence letters, invoices and compliment slips
- Social media connections, text messages
- Websites
- Literature
- Verbally
This data may include:
- Organisation
- Name
- Address
- Telephone, fax, email, website
- Social media sites
- Your
- Name(s)
- Address
- Mobile number
- Job title
- Department
- Email address
- Social media pages
- First Contact:
- When (Year or date)
- Where (Event)
- Introductions by others or to others
- Follow up actions
- Services or Product
- Manufacturer/Supplier/Server/Service Provider/Installer/Applicator
- If Potential Prospect
- Specification reference Common Arrangement of Work Section (CAWS)
- Product References
- Product Applications
- Notes:
- From correspondence
We may use any information collected for the following:
- Customer Relations Management (CRM)
- To compile information of companies offering relevant materials, products and services
- If the company is a potential Prospect or Alliance Marketing Partner:
- Potential for inclusion in:
- GBE, GBEL or GBC websites
- Project specifications
- Including project specific Representative contact details
- Product Specifications to place in public domain (websites)
- Not including Representative Contact details, unless requested to do so
- Product Data Collection to Product Data Sheet
- Specifications for new products
- Product Passports for reclaimed materials
- Method Statements
- 35 other potential outputs
- Numerous related services offered by NGS, NGSL, GBE, GBC, GBL and GBEL
- For Email & Online App delivered Newsletters
- GBE Membership Newsletter
- To Potential GBE Website users
- Students/Designers/Specifiers/Housing/Local Authorities/etc.
- GBE Learning News
- To potential GBE Learning Training platform users
- GBE Solution Provider News
- To Prospects
- Manufacturer/Supplier/Server/Service Provider/Installer/Applicator
- GBC Calculator News
- To have access to company contacts to seek further information
- To arrange and invite to Zoom meetings
- To obtain quotations on behalf clients from other service providers
- Internal record keeping
- To provide quotations for NGS Ltd. NGS, ASWS and GBE, GBC, GBL or GBE Learning Services
- To invoice for services provided
- GBE Membership Newsletter
Access to your information
- You may contact BrianSpecMan or NGS Ltd. at any time to check the accuracy of any details that we hold relating to you.
- If you would like a copy of your personal information, please contact Brian Murphy
- E
- NGS Ltd. 91 Oakleigh Drive, Orton Longueville, Peterborough, PE2 7AR (Registered Office)
Disclosing Information
- Mailchimp
- We do use on-line email service (Mailchimp) where your contacts details are used to enable this private email newsletter service on a public platform
- First and last name, email address and address book subgroups e.g. (Designers/Manufacturer/Housing/LA/etc.)
- This service ensures your details are private to NGS Ltd. alone.
- MailChimp is certified to the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework and Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework.
- Eventbrite
- We are using Eventbrite as a ticketing service for GBE Learning events.
- Eventbrite, Inc. is Privacy Shield certified which means that it self-certifies to protect Personal Data from the EEA, Switzerland and the UK in accordance with established data privacy principles.
- Zoom Meetings
- We use Zoom for GBE Learning webinars
- We also use Zoom for internet meetings this uses our contact email addresses to invite attendees
- GBE Learning
- When we carryout joint event campaigns with others e.g. The Green Register (TGR), Association for Environment Conscious Building (AECB), Make A Difference Network (MaD) we each send the same event information via each parties independent email services and direct replies transparently to only one event organising party (Eventbright above), where your details will be held to enable the organisation of the event and distribution of confirmation emails, posting tickets or emailing e-tickets, cancellations, etc..
- We do not share our contact list with anyone else for marketing or any other purposes.
- WordPress & PayPal
- We use WordPress internal functions to collect purchasers billing address and Paypal to collect payment method details
- Data Protection Act Registered since 2001
- Organisation name: Brian Robert Murphy
- Reference: Z5981281
- Renewal confirmation ICO:00012654131 24/10/2019
- Expiry date: 28/10/2021
- We use social media where we try to synchronise with and contact more of our contacts list
- We do not disclose or share any other personal information about you to other third parties
- If in future we had reason to want to strengthen our reach by other means we would not do so without your knowledge and your consent.
Retention and disposal of personal information
- We will only keep your personal information in our records for as long as it is need to fulfil the identified purposes, or as required or permitted by law
- If we discover it has become out of date we will delete it.
- Personal information will be destroyed when no longer required.
- If you would like your details removed from our database, please:
- unsubscribe from Mailchimp emails using the unsubscribe link at the bottom of each email
- or request removal at any time by replying to an email to
- A cookie is a piece of data sent to a website user’s browser and stored on a user’s hard drive, tied to session information about the user.
- On the GBE & GBC websites, cookies are used to remember your shopping cart contents within the “shop” section.
- We also make use of Google Analytics, to help measure the usage of our site. Google analytic cookies are used to collect information about how visitors, like yourself, use our website.
- This information is collected in an anonymous form and is only used to inform us how the site can be improved.
- We do not use any third-party advertising or tracking cookies.
- No personally identifiable information is stored in the cookie and all cookies can be cleared using your web browser preferences.
Future Updates:
- NGS Ltd. may from time to time modify the terms of this policy and any changes will be posted on this page.
© GBE GBC GBL NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan **
10th June 2020 – 21st March 2021