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Buy now: GBC Version 2

Select and purchase according to your status:

You can pay with a credit card or PayPal*

* GBC use PayPal to process payments. You will be able to pay with a debit or credit card.

Please choose from one of the following options:

  • University Educators, Students & Graduates
  • Design practices and construction businesses
  • Self-builders & Clients
  • Charities (pending)
  • (Soon: try before you buy: version 1 indicating developments in version 2)

Also choose between:

  • One off payment for GBC V2
  • Annual Subscription for GBC V2 and all versions that follow

You should get a dialogue box or an email like this: Click the link to get the file

GBC Download Email V1

1: One-off payment, one file, plus any correction files, with no future developments
2. Annual subscription, one file, any correction files, with all future development files as long as subscription payments maintained. Non-renewal is possible, you still have the last file you received but miss out on future developments.
3. GBC working Version 1.1 with limited functions and hints about features in later versions
4. GBC Version 2.1 non-functioning, explore before you buy or go to screenshots.
5. Students that receive their copy from the university would be expected to take up their own purchase or subscription if they want future updates

Current students
(all disciplines).
For own use only.

University Professor,
Tutor, Lecturer

(all disciplines).
Only to show / demo

University Professor,
Tutor, Lecturer

(all disciplines).
To share with one cohort
Students that receive their copy from the university would be expected to take up their own purchase or subscription if they want future updates

Graduate Architect, employees
(all disciplines).
Own use only

1-5 Person practice or company
(all disciplines).
Own use only

6-10 Person practice or company
(all disciplines).
Own use only

Larger practices or companies
(all disciplines).
Own use only

Self-Build TAN6 OPD Wales
Own use only

Other self-builders, BIY, DIY or self managers
Own use only


GBC Version 1.1 (lite demo)
A working version, with limited functions

GBC Version 2.1
Explore before you buy

© GBE GBC GBL NGS ASWS Brian Murphy aka BrianSpecMan **
10th February 2022 – 13th July 2023

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